Version 0.8.2 released !

We are happy to announce version 0.8.2 of the Surface Editor. It can be downloaded here. Version highlight: The Step Sequencer has been totally rewritten and some cool new features have been added, such as to scroll through sequence and shift pattern. Check coming tutorial !

NOTE: Due to heavy spamming, the Forum has been momentarily disabled.

New in this version:

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the SE to crash after a while. This was especially visible when receiving lots of events per second, resulting in actions being triggered with a high rate as well.
  • OSC button : actions are now triggered only when button changes of state. Input events that do not change the state of button are thus filtered out.
  • MIDI button : actions are now triggered only when button changes of state. Input events that do not change the state of button are thus filtered out.
  • OSC slider : actions are now triggered only when slider value change. Input events that do not change slider value are thus filtered out.


  • Controller Message Action: The name of the controller one wants to send the message to can now be chosen from a dropdown list.
  • Envelope Plugin:
    • new message [trigger]: use this message to trigger envelope once or a number of times specified as argument.
    • envelopes are now saved with interface.
  • Step Sequencer Plugin:
    • new message [next]: read the sequence one step at a time.
    • new message [step] + argument [1, 2, ...]: position the reading head to the specified step.
    • new message [trigger] + argument [1, 2, ...]: read the sequence the specified number of time (default=[1]).
    • new message [range]: this message takes 3 arguments: start position + number of steps + number or repetitions (default=[1]).
    • new message [index] + argument [0...1]: move the reading head to the specified position. Unlike the [step] message, sequencer is in reading mode. Very cool to scratch inside sequence !
    • new message [shift] + argument [0...1]: shift the entire sequence up and down. [0.5] is middle. Very useful for controlling lights, for instance !
    • new option [sustain] in sequencer settings: when active, notes are hold after each [next] command.
    • lots of bug fixes !
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