Breaking Through with the Surface Editor !

The installation bellow has been realised during the four days workshop entitled “Mapping playground” that was held during the Mapping festival in Geneva, May 13-16. The Surface Editor has been used to map gesture tracked with the Kinect and TuioKinect … Continue reading

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A web interface for the Surface Editor

EPFL student Falco Enzler did a great job during his internship with us. He realised a bridge between the Surface Editor and Kinaps, a web based desktop environment designed for multitouch devices. In the Kinaps environment, every type of information (images, videos, documents, etc. ) is represented as virtual objects that can be manipulated like physical ones. His work consisted in creating a Processing sketch that retrieves the position of a set of objects on the Kinaps server and send them to the Surface Editor via the TUIO protocol. According to the positions between objects, the Surface Editor is sending MIDI or OSC events to other software, like Ableton Live in this demo.

More info about Kinaps (made by the same team as the Surface Editor):
Special thanks to Alexandre Burdin for the design of the web interface.

The first SE Tutorial is here !

Since there are more and more people downloading the Surface Editor, we thought it would be useful to have some tutorial. Here is the first one, about the new Step Sequencer. It’s a bit long but it covers several fundamental aspects, like controller messager, variables, switching between different actions in the activator tree, and OSC / MIDI plugins.

Version 0.8.2 released !

We are happy to announce version 0.8.2 of the Surface Editor. It can be downloaded here. Version highlight: The Step Sequencer has been totally rewritten and some cool new features have been added, such as to scroll through sequence and shift pattern. Check coming tutorial !

NOTE: Due to heavy spamming, the Forum has been momentarily disabled.

New in this version:

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the SE to crash after a while. This was especially visible when receiving lots of events per second, resulting in actions being triggered with a high rate as well.
  • OSC button : actions are now triggered only when button changes of state. Input events that do not change the state of button are thus filtered out.
  • MIDI button : actions are now triggered only when button changes of state. Input events that do not change the state of button are thus filtered out.
  • OSC slider : actions are now triggered only when slider value change. Input events that do not change slider value are thus filtered out.


  • Controller Message Action: The name of the controller one wants to send the message to can now be chosen from a dropdown list.
  • Envelope Plugin:
    • new message [trigger]: use this message to trigger envelope once or a number of times specified as argument.
    • envelopes are now saved with interface.
  • Step Sequencer Plugin:
    • new message [next]: read the sequence one step at a time.
    • new message [step] + argument [1, 2, ...]: position the reading head to the specified step.
    • new message [trigger] + argument [1, 2, ...]: read the sequence the specified number of time (default=[1]).
    • new message [range]: this message takes 3 arguments: start position + number of steps + number or repetitions (default=[1]).
    • new message [index] + argument [0...1]: move the reading head to the specified position. Unlike the [step] message, sequencer is in reading mode. Very cool to scratch inside sequence !
    • new message [shift] + argument [0...1]: shift the entire sequence up and down. [0.5] is middle. Very useful for controlling lights, for instance !
    • new option [sustain] in sequencer settings: when active, notes are hold after each [next] command.
    • lots of bug fixes !

New videos added in the Gallery

The Gallery has been updated with several videos featuring the Surface Editor.

Check it out !

Surface Editor at Mapping festival 2014

The Surface Editor will be part of the 3D LED fashion and video mapping workshop that will be held during the Mapping festival in Geneva from May 26 to 29:

3D LED FASHION and (some) VIDEO MAPPING WORKSHOP from mappingfestival on Vimeo.

Version 0.8.1 released !

After a long pause, we are happy to announce version 0.8.1 of the Surface Editor. It can be downloaded here. New in this version:

Bug fixes:
  • Multi slider fixed (now all segments are sending control values)
  • Multiple Button fixed
  • Changing the state of an action to ‘Disabled’ is now correctly saved
  • Loaded filename is now displayed correctly
  • Mapping to radius is fixed
  • Selecting multiple components and moving them all at once now works properly
  • Fixed a bug that was making some patches using OSC action not to work anymore after changing OSC configuration
  • Save dialog does not come anymore when quitting SE if the interface was saved just before
Known issues
  • Text size of labels is affected by grid size (for instance, with a grid of 3 by 2 cells, text will be much bigger than with a grid of 16 by 9 cells)
  • OSC input of OSC button is not working anymore after changing OSC configuration (one has to reload interface for change to make effect)
  • Step sequencer does not stop !
  • Mapping to the speed of movement inside zones is not behaving as expected

Website is up

We are pleased to announce that is up.

To help the users with the Surface Editor, we have set a Wiki to get the basic knowledges about the Surface Editor and his plugins, a forum to interact with other users and the creators of the Surface Editor, and to get updates about new releases and future plans.


The v0.6 of the Surface Editor, contains a new set of dynamic control elements called Objects.

Objects are detected with a camera hooked to a TUIO compatible tracker, such as ReactiVision. Object ID are sent to SE using standard TUIO protocol.

Users can set MIDI or OSC control events when objects are moved or removed from the interface, or when objects interact with each others. This allow to create tangible interfaces to explore new kind of musical interaction.

OSCMidiIn Plug-in package

The Surface Editor v0.6 features a new plug-in package, named OSCMidiIn , containing four mapping components controlled via OSC message, Midi Note or Midi CC.